
Barbie Bungie Jump REVIEW

On the 3rd day of the Barbie Bungie Jump activity, we were to review a partner's DP and its contents. We are to critique it, and fulfill Mr. Fozi's checklist:http://wp.nc.hightechhigh.org/vfozi/2008/10/22/barbie-bungee-jump-day-3/

I decided to review Gabby's DP: http://wp.nc.hightechhigh.org/golivas/2008/10/21/barbie-bungee-jumpday2/

I was able to clearly understand the information provided on Gabby's digital portfolio.
-All the points are on the same graph
-The rubber bands are correctly represented on the x-axis
-The distance traveled is on the y-axis
-I was able to clearly understand the purpose of the x ad y axes.
-The slope IS between 10-40cm. [21.17 to be exact]
-And finally, you were able to solve the linear equation using the 400cm rubber bands problem.

What I learned
In this project, I was able to learn how to use equations to figure out situations on a bigger scale. Let me reiterate; we were to find the equation for our data. It was at a small scale - the barbie was dropped only a few feet up. But using the equation, we were able to find out how many rubber bands are needed to safely launch Barbie from 400 cm. It is a very handy skill to learn, and this project really helped in the learning process.

Overall, this was a very good project that helped me learn things I've never known before. Woo! Enlightenment!


vahid said...


Overall this looks great. Very clear and visually appealing, too. Nice photos!

I noticed that on the earlier post, you didn't identify the slop and the y-intercept.

Could you turn the URLs into links?

Finally, can you expand on this comment:

"I was able to clearly understand the purpose of the x ad y axes."

So ... what IS the purpose of the x & y axes? If you did another experiment, how would you know which variable to put on which axis?

dfelix2010 said...
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dfelix2010 said...

nice job, heres another project similar to yours. its pretty cool.

