1) Is energy gained or lost by the molecules? Which molecules have more energy, the reactants or the products?
During the reaction, energy is gained by the products. Thus, the products (after) have more energy than the reactants (before).
2) Predict what will happen when 50 A’s are added to the box and 50 BC’s are added.
I predict that the BC's will create several collisions with the A's, changing the number of each periodically.
3) In the box labeled “current amounts,” enter 50 for A and 50 for BC.
4) Was your prediction correct? Describe and explain any differences.
Though there were reactions between the two, not all of them reacted the same; only a fraction created effective collisions.
5) Predict what will happen when the temperature is raised so it is NOT above the activation energy max but IS above the energy level of the products.
Due to the raised temperature, the molecules will move much quicker. The faster movement will possibly cause more reactions and effective collisions to occur.
6) Raise the temperature as described. Did your prediction come true? Describe and explain any differences.
Again, faster movement, more reactions, but only a fraction of them.
7) Predict what will happen when the temperature is raised so it is above the activation energy max.
The temperature will be even higher, meaning a potentially higher rate of reaction due to the faster movement.
8) Raise the temperature as described. Again, was your prediction correct? Describe and explain any differences.
The molecules did in fact move quicker, and there were more effective collisions.
9) What did you notice about the rate at which reactants/products fluctuated between the three different temperatures? If you didn’t notice anything, hit “reset all” and test it again.
The amounts of each varied by very little (mostly by 1) and change much more often when the temperature was increased.
10) Did temperature affect equilibrium position? Did it affect it in the way you expected? Explain.
Higher temperature caused a closer equilibrium, while a lower temperature offset the equilibrium slightly.
11) Did temperature affect reaction rate? Did it affect it in the way you expected? Explain.
As aforementioned, higher temperature causes faster molecule movement, and I predicted that the faster movement will cause more frequent reactions.
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